Skrevet av S.B.Damsgaard J. sept.2002. Oppdatert, juni.04


- Ragdollen er en massiv stor katt med middels benstamme og muskuløs kropp.
Det er en SLH -katt, med medium lang pels som skal være tett, myk og silkeaktig. Pelsen deler seg når katten beveger seg.
- Ragdollen er pr.mai- 04 godkjent i alle varianter som Hellig Birma er. Bicolour, mitted, colourpoint, skilpadde, tabby os skilpaddetabby. I alt 20 varianter. Fra og med jan.05. kan de "nye variantene" ta sine sert.
- Helhetsinntrykket skal være en kraftig katt.
vanlig størrelse på hunnkatt 3,5 - 6 kg
vanlig størrelse på hannkatt 5 - 8 kg
- Hodet er middelstort bredt modifisert kileform med et flatt bredt parti mellom ørene, som skal være
middels store med avrundet topp som heller litt fremover.
- Velutviklede kinn som smalner ned mot en medium lang nese og velutviklet hake.
- Øynene er store ovale og alltid blå i relasjon til kroppsfargen.
Ytterste delen av øyet skal være i nivå med basen på øret.
- Halsen er kort og kraftig, brystet rundt og velutviklet. Kroppen er lang og muskuløs, tung bakpart. Bakbena er noe høyere enn forbeina.
- Potene er store runde med hårtufser mellom tærne.
- Halen er lang og busket.
- Ragdollen utvikler seg meget sent, og når du tror en Ragdoll har sluttet og vokse, ja da kan den begynne å vokse som mest, ofte etter sin tredje fødselsdag.

Se tegning nederst på siden av riktig profil/hode og øreplasering.


Mitted (04) er den varianten som er mest lik Hellig Birma i mønster. Den skal ha hvite støvler og hansker. Den skal ha hvit hake og hvit strime/strek under hele magen, fra haken og til haleroten. Det er også ønskelig med en eller flere " dråper " hvit på nesen. Eller et såkalt "timeglass" m hvitt.
Halen, bena og masken skal ha samme farge.
Mitted varianten blir gylden over ryggen.
Feil på mitted er mangel av hvit hake, bryst og hvit "strime /strek" på buken.


Colourpoint har farvede ben, samme farge som hale og maske i ansiktet. Den blir gylden over ryggen. Feil er hvite flekker på denne varianten.
Colourpointen har veldig ofte en lang mørk strime, eller en mørk flekk på buken. Dette tror jeg "henger igjen" etter den helfargede Burmeseren. Dette vil vi nok slite med i noen generasjoner fremover.


Bicolour (03) skal ha et hvitt bliss i ansiktet, en omvendt V. Resten av ansiktet og ørene skal ha en av fargevariantene, den samme fargen skal også halen ha.
- En bicolour Ragdoll skal som andre bicolourvarianter
ikke overskride 3/4 med hvitt.
Den skal ha hvit bryst og buk. Den skal ha så mye hvitt som mulig på bena, men det er ingen feil om den har brune strimer eller flekker på bena,men utstillingsmessig er det en fordel med helt hvite ben.
- Den kan også ha hvite flekker på ryggen.
Det beste utstillingsmessig er at inntrykket forfra på katten er hvitt.
- Selv så mener jeg det er et stort pluss at bicolouren har en hvit flekk på ryggen. Da ser man fra
alle vinkler at det er en bicolour.
Alle Ragdoll er hvite fra fødselen, men fargen i ansiktet og på halen kommer raskt til syne. Fargene ellers på kroppen utvikler seg meget sent.
En kan tidligst ved 6 ukers alder se en aning farge der pelsen ikke skal være hvit. Det kan gå hele 4 år før fargen på pelsen er ferdig utviklet.
Fra først av å være hvit så begynner den svakt å gråne nede i bunnen av pelsen. Det grå utvikler seg sakte til å få den rette fargetonen. De skal få den samme fargen på pelsen, men i en lysere tone som de har på halen og i ansiktet.
- Om en ikke kjenner til utviklingen av bicolourens farger så kan en lett gjøre katten urett. Den gråtonen som er i pelsen ganske lenge er nemlig ikke av de mest flatterende farger, men den er et ledd i fargeutviklingen.
Flekkene de event. har på bena er ofte like mørke som på maskefargen.
- For å avle fram bicolour så parres en bicolour med enten en colourpoint eller en mitted.
Om du parrer en bicolour på bicolour så er sjansen stor for at det blir en "high white." Det vil si at grensen med 3/4 hvit blir overskredet.
- Feil på bicolouren er hvitt på halen og ørene

Fife standars på engelsk


General Overall Impression The Ragdoll is a massive large cat with medium bone structure and muscular body. Strong in the whole appearance - Size Large

Head Shape Medium in size, broad modified wedge with an even appearing place between the ears
Nose The nose should show a slight curve in the upper third
Cheeks/Muzzle/Chin Well developed cheeks, which are tapering to a rounded, well developed, middle long muzzle with a well developed chin

Ears Shape Medium in size, with a broad base, rounded tips
Place Set far apart on the skull, slightly tilt forward

Eyes Shape Large and oval
The outer aperture should fall in a line with the base of the ears
Colour Blue, the more blue the better, in relation to the body colour

Neck Short and strong

Body Structure Long body, medium bone structure, muscular. Broad chest and well developed. Muscular and stronger in the hindquarters. The adult cat is at the shoulders as broad as at the hindquarters

Legs Middle long with medium bone structure. The hindlegs are slightly higher than the frontlegs, because of that, the line of the back seems to be tilt forward
Paws Large, round and compact, with tufts between the toes

Tail Long, middle long at the base, tapering itself a little bit to the end of the tail, in porportion to the body. Well covered with hairs, bushy

Coat Structure Middle long, dense, soft and silky texture; it fits closely to the body and is refracting, if the cat is moving. The coat is longest at the neck and frames the outer part of the face, through which results the appearance of a bib. The coat is short in the face and it will be longer from the end of the head over the shoulders until to the back. At the sides, at the stomach and at the hind quarters it is middle long until long. At the frontlegs it is short until middle long.
Colour Please look at the following chart for the varieties of the colours

Comment · Females are appreciably smaller than males · The cheeks of a male should be taken in consideration · The development is slow

Penalize: Head Slim head
Nose Stop, Roman nose
Ears · Large or small ears · Tapered ears
Eyes Almond-shaped
Neck Too long and too thin neck
Body · Sturdy body · Slim chest
Legs · Short legs · Affected toes · Missing tufts
Tail · Short tail · Blunted tip
Coat Short coat (seasonal)

Disquali-fication Eyes Any eye colour other than blue

Total 100 points
Head General shape, nose, forehead, cheeks and muzzle, set of teeth and jaw, chin. Shape and size of the eyes 20 points
Ears Shape and place 5 points
Eye Colour 5 points
Body Physique built, size and bone structure 20 points
Legs and Paws Length of the legs, shape of the paws 5 points
Tail Shape and length 5 points
Coat Colour and pattern 25 points
Quality and texture, length 10 points
Condition 5 points

Coat Points - Ears, mask and tail - should be well defined. The mask must show an inverted white "V"Body colour - a shade lighter than the points; white spots at the back are allowed. Stomach to be white and without any spots. White legs are preferred.
Nose Leather Pink
Ball of the Feet Pink
Penalize Ears Any white colour at the ears
Tail Any white colour at the tail

SEAL - RAG n 03
LILAC - RAG c 03

Coat The colour of the points - Ears, mask, legs and tail - should be well coloured and should harmonize with the body colour.The body colour - should be coloured until to the base, more fair than the points. Chest and bib more fair than the body colour. Slight colour shadings at the body and at the stomach (spot at the stomach) are allowed

Nose Leather Analogous to the colour of the points

Balls of the Feet Analogous to the colour of the points

Comment Please look in the general part, Himalayan Pointed

Penalize Coat Every white spot



Coat Points - (except paws and chin) and the body colour like the colourpoints, well defined and harmonizing with the body colour. White chin. With or without a white stripe on the bridge of the nose. White mittens on the frontlegs. The hindlegs minimum should be completely white coloured until to the heels and maximum until to the middle of the thigh.A white stripe, which is starting at the bib is going down through between the forelegs until to the base of the tail

Nose Leather Analogous the colour of the points

Balls of the Feet Pink

Penalize Head Missing of the white chin
Legs Every dark spot on the white mittens
Body · Every dark spot at the stomach · Missing of the white stripe

SEAL - RAG n 04
LILAC - RAG c 04

Ragdoll Show Standard - FIFe
The Ragdolls are existing in 3 pattern - colourpoint, mitted and bicolour - and 4 colours - seal, blue, chocolate and lilac -, altogether 12 different varieties. (May -04. 20 varietes)



Korrekt profil :
Slik skal et riktig hodet se ut.
Flat mellom ørene. Lett kurve på den øvre tredjedelen av nesen.
Kraftig hake.
Optimale ører :

Medium størrelse. Bred i midten, litt forover lent med avrundet tupper. Hårtufsene ytterst på ørene skal plukkes vekk, ellers helt korrekt.



CFA Breed Standards



HEAD (40)
20 .. Large, broad equilateral triangle
10 .. Eyes large; vivid blue ovals
5 .. Ears medium, wide set, moderately flared
5 .. Profile slightly curving; nose straight, chin strong
BODY (30)
15 .. Medium to large size and heavy boning
10 .. Long, rectangular body
5 .. Legs moderately long; tail long
COAT (30)
20 .. Moderately long length, with abundant guard hairs,
but minimal woolly undercoat
10 .. Color of body and points
(The 10 points for color are to be divided 5 for white markings
and symmetry, and 5 for body and point color.)

GENERAL: the ideal Ragdoll is a medium to large, moderately longhaired, blue-eyed pointed cat. The point markings may be covered by a range of white overlay patterns. The head forms a broad, equilateral triangle, modified by a gently rounded muzzle. The eyes are large, vivid blue ovals. The rectangular body is large and long, broad and solid, with heavy boning. It has moderately long legs, and a long plumed tail. The naturally non-matting, moderately long coat has abundant guard hairs, with minimal woolly undercoat, and flows with the body. The Ragdoll is bred to conform as perfectly as possible to the moderate type of the foundation cats.

HEAD: size and shape: proportionately large and broad. Triangular shaped, where all sides are of equal length as measured from the outside of the base of the ear to the end of the gently rounded muzzle. Appearance of a flat plane between ears. Cheeks in line with wedge. Allow for jowls in adult males. When whiskers and fur are smoothed back, the underlying bone structure is apparent.

EYES: large, vivid blue ovals. Wide set and moderately slanted, complementing wedge.

EARS: medium-sized. Wide set and moderately flared, continuing the line of wedge. Wide at base with rounded tips, and tilted forward.

PROFILE: slightly curving; ending in straight, medium-length nose. Chin well-developed, strong, in line with nose and upper lip.

NECK: heavy and strong.

BODY: large and long, broad and solid, with heavy boning. Rectangular in shape, with a full chest and equal width across shoulders and hindquarters. Body firm and muscular, not fat. Moderate stomach pad on lower abdomen acceptable. Females may be substantially smaller than males. Allow for slow maturation in young adults.

LEGS: heavily boned, moderately long. Hind legs longer than front. Shorter fur on front legs, longer fur on hind legs, with full, feathery britches.

PAWS: proportionately large, round and feather-tufted.

TAIL: long, with full plume. COAT: the naturally non-matting moderately long fur is characterized by abundant guard hairs and minimal woolly undercoat. It flows with the body. Ruff preferred. Short on face, longer on ruff, shorter on shoulder blades, lengthening toward tail. Allow shorter coats in unaltered adults, and seasonal variations.

PENALIZE: coat: thick undercoat, standing off from the body. Eyes: small or round. Eye color: very pale blue; or blue so dark as to appear black. Nose: roman nose. Body: cobby body low on legs. Short tail; non-directional lump on tail.

DISQUALIFY: nose: any break. Color: body and point color other than those listed; eyes other than blue. Various: directional kink in tail. Crossed eyes. Extra toes.

(The above penalties and disqualifications apply to all Ragdolls. Additional penalties and disqualifications are listed under each pattern description.)

BI-COLOR PATTERN: mask: white inverted "V" remains within outer edge of eyes. Symmetry preferred. Nose leather: pink. Body: chin, chest, and underside are white. Upper body may show white spotting. Legs and feet: all white preferred. May have minor dark spots. Paw pads: pink preferred, but mixture of colors on paw pads and fur acceptable because of two colors in pattern. (When determining color, point color of ears is the deciding factor.) Penalize: "V" extends beyond outer edges of eyes, or excessively asymmetrical. White marking on ears. Disqualify: "V" absent or has dark spotting. Extensive dark area on any leg.

VAN PATTERN: points: point color restricted to ears, tail and upper part of mask. Ear and tail color dense and clearly defined, with minor white spotting allowed. Upper part of mask may show gradual fading of color. Body, legs and feet: pure, glistening white; minor spotting allowed. Nose leather and paw pads: pink. Penalize: more than twenty percent color on body. Disqualify: total absence of point color on head or tail.

COLORS (all patterns): the six point colors are seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red and cream. Point colors may be solid, shaded, or smoke; lynx (including tortie-lynx); and parti-colored (or tortie). All Ragdolls are pointed, but points are partially overlaid with white in the Bi-color and Van patterns. Body: even, subtle shading is permissible, but clear color is preferable. Allowance should be made for darker color in older cats as Ragdolls generally darken with age, but there must be definite contrast between body color and points. Points: (except for white overlay) mask, ears, legs, feet, tail dense and clearly defined. All of the same shade. Mask covers entire face including whisker pads, and is connected to ears by tracings. Mask should not extend over the top of the head. No ticking in points. Stomach pad may have darker shading.

SEAL POINT: body even pale fawn to cream, warm in tone, shading gradually into lighter color toward stomach and chest. Points: deep seal brown. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: same color as points, as applicable (see specific pattern).

CHOCOLATE POINT: body ivory, shading gradually into lighter color toward stomach and chest. Points: milk-chocolate color, warm in tone. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: cinnamon-pink, as applicable (see specific pattern).

BLUE POINT: body bluish white, cold in tone, shading gradually to white toward stomach and chest. Points: deep blue. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: slate colored, as applicable (see specific pattern).

LILAC POINT: body white. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tinge. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender-pink, as applicable (see specific pattern).

RED POINT: body clear white with any shading in the same tone as points. Points: bright apricot to deep red, deeper shades preferred, with lack of barring desirable. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh or coral pink, as applicable (see specific pattern).

CREAM POINT: body clear white with any shading in the same tone as points. Points: pale buff cream to light pinkish cream, with lack of barring desirable. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh to coral pink, as applicable (see specific pattern).

SEAL LYNX POINT: body cream or pale fawn, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: seal brown bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears seal brown with paler thumbprint in center. Eye color: blue. As applicable, see specific pattern: nose leather: seal brown permitted, pink edged in seal brown preferred; paw pads: seal brown.

CHOCOLATE LYNX POINT: body ivory. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: warm milk-chocolate bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color, ears warm milk-chocolate with paler thumbprint in center. Eye color: blue. As applicable, see specific pattern: nose leather: cinnamon permitted, pink edged in cinnamon preferred; paw pads: cinnamon.

BLUE LYNX POINT: body bluish white to platinum grey, cold in tone, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: deep blue-grey bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears deep blue-grey with paler thumbprint in center. Eye color: blue. As applicable, see specific pattern: nose leather: slate-colored permitted, pink edged in slate preferred; paw pads: slate-colored.

LILAC LYNX POINT: body glacial white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tone bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears frosty grey with pinkish tone, paler thumbprint in center. Eye color: blue. As applicable, see specific pattern: nose leather: lavender-pink permitted, pink edged in lavender-pink preferred; paw pads: lavender-pink.

RED LYNX POINT: body white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: deep red bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears deep red, paler thumbprint in center. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh or coral pink as applicable (see specific pattern).

CREAM LYNX POINT: body color clear white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking. Points: bars of pale buff cream to light pinkish cream, distinct and separated by lighter background color, ears pale buff cream to light pinkish cream, paler thumbprint in center. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: flesh to coral pink, as applicable (see specific pattern).

SEAL-TORTIE POINT: body pale fawn to cream, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body color may be mottled with cream in older cats. Points: seal brown variably mottled with red and/or cream. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: seal brown; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable, as applicable (see specific pattern).

CHOCOLATE-TORTIE POINT: body ivory, may be mottled in older cats. Points: warm milk-chocolate variably mottled with red and/or cream. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: cinnamon, flesh or coral pink mottling desirable, as applicable (see specific pattern).

BLUE-CREAM POINT: body bluish white to platinum grey, cold in tone, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body color may be mottled in older cats. Points: deep blue-grey variably mottled with cream. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: slate-colored; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable, as applicable (see specific pattern).

LILAC-CREAM POINT: body glacial white; mottling, if any, in the shade of the points. Points: frost grey with pinkish tone, variably mottled with pale cream. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: lavender pink; flesh or coral pink mottling desirable, as applicable (see specific pattern).

SEAL-TORTIE LYNX POINT: Body cream or pale fawn, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: seal brown bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears seal brown with paler thumbprint in center. Variable mottling of red and/or cream overlays the markings of the points. Eye color: blue. As applicable, see specific pattern: nose leather: seal brown permitted, pink edged in seal brown preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present; paw pads: seal brown, or seal brown mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.

CHOCOLATE-TORTIE LYNX POINT: body ivory. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: warm milk-chocolate bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears warm milk-chocolate with paler thumbprint in center. Variable mottling of red and/or cream overlays the markings of the points. Eye color: blue. As applicable, see specific pattern: nose leather: cinnamon permitted, pink edged in cinnamon preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present; paw pads: cinnamon, or cinnamon mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.

BLUE-CREAM LYNX POINT: body bluish white to platinum grey, cold in tone, shading to lighter color on stomach and chest. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: deep blue-grey bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears deep blue-grey with paler thumbprint in center. Variable mottling of cream overlays the markings of the points. Eye color: blue. As applicable, see specific pattern: nose leather: slate-colored permitted, pink edged in slate preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present; paw pads: slate-colored, or slate mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.

LILAC-CREAM LYNX POINT: body glacial white. Body shading may take form of ghost striping or ticking and/or cream mottling. Points: frosty grey with pinkish tone bars, distinct and separated by lighter background color; ears frosty grey with pinkish tone, paler thumbprint in center. Variable mottling of cream overlays the markings of the points. Eye color: blue. As applicable, see specific pattern: nose leather: lavender-pink permitted, pink edged in lavender-pink preferred, flesh or coral pink mottling may be present; paw pads: lavender-pink, or lavender-pink mottled with flesh or coral pink. NOTE: these cats resemble lynx points more than tortie points.

SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with color. Points and mask appear solidly colored, with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: as appropriate for color and pattern.

SHADED: undercoat white with a mantle of colored tipping. Points and mask show shading. Eye color: blue. Nose leather and paw pads: as appropriate for color and pattern.

The following information is for reference purposes only and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.

Ragdoll Color Class Numbers
All Colors 0480 0481
(Bi-color and Van patterns only as defined in the Show Standards.)
AOV None None

Ragdoll allowable outcross breeds: none.